Orchid Wise

Orchid of the Week

This weeks Orchid of the week is… Cym. Bennett-Poei

Orchid of the Week - Cym. Bennett Poei 'Atlantis'
Orchid of the Week – Cym. Bennett Poei ‘Atlantis’
Orchid of the Week - Cym. Bennett Poei 'Atlantis'
Orchid of the Week – Cym. Bennett Poei ‘Atlantis’

Parentage: This is a cross between Cym. iridioides × Cymtracyanum

Registered: 1903

The reason why it’s our Orchid of the Week:

This week’s Orchid of the Week is one of my biggest favourites – the Primary Hybrid of Cym. Bennett-Poei. I have two forms of Bennett-Poei, ‘Atlantis’ and ‘Charlotte’, both quite different, but equally as good in their own way.

Both ‘Atlantis’ and ‘Charlotte’ are fragrant, and in an enclosed space really smell great. ‘Charlotte’ is a more spidery flower and shows more yellow/brown colour to it, compared to the more brown/orange ‘Atlantis’, and also different lip markings.

Both plants normally have long arching spikes, but this year I trained them up a stake to present them in a different way for something more interesting, and less common. It also helps contain the plant a bit, and is way easier to transport because I really didn’t want to break these flower spikes!

Looking back at the original species ancestors of this plant, using Orchid Roots, Cym iridioides and Cym. tracyanum are probably my two favourites, so no surprises I like my Cym Bennett-Poei’s!

Orchid of the Week - Cym. Bennett-Poei 'Charlotte'
Orchid of the Week – Cym. Bennett-Poei ‘Charlotte’
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