This weeks Orchid of the week is… Cym. Green Opal ‘Vic’
Parentage: Cym. Valley Oracle × Cym. Valley Zenith
Registered: 2016
The reason why it’s our Orchid of the Week:
Greens are a wonderful addition to a collection, and this one is a big flowerer with lovely shape and a very subtle lip.
It is a large plant with a tall upright spike habit and quite large flowers, so you’ll need plenty of room to grow this one! Again, something a little different, but it really stands out and grabs people’s attention when it flowers!
I last flowered this plant in 2021 and sold it to a friend after splitting off a couple of back-bulbs, so unfortunately I’ll have to wait for several years to flower another, however, both back-bulbs have shot new growths, so it wont be long before it’s back!
Images of the cross and the parents can be found at Orchid Roots.
Looking back at the original species ancestors of this plant, using Orchid Roots Cym. insigne, Cym. lowianum and Cym. hookeranium are the main contributors present in the distant background.