Growing your best Cymbidium orchid yet!
Cymbidium Growing Tips
Caring for your Cymbidium orchid isn't hard! Here, you can find tips and tricks on how to care for your Cymbidium orchid and how to have it growing at its best, because a happy Cymbidium orchid is a flowering Cymbidium orchid!
Cymbidium Orchid Viruses
One of the biggest issues facing both the enthusiast Cymbidium orchid grower and commercial Cymbidium orchid grower is virus. There is no known cure for virus so prevention and detection is crucial to the health of your Cymbidium orchid and the survival of the backyard shade house.
Cymbidium Flowering Tips
A compilation of information from enthusiast and commercial Cymbidium orchid growers on how to have your Cymbidium orchid flowering at its best year after year.
Cymbidium Orchid of the Week
Every week a different Cymbidium Orchid is featured to broaden peoples visual knowledge of old, new, different or weird and wonderful flowers!
If you would like to contribute a Cymbidium orchid photo to this section, I’d love to hear from you, so please contact me.
Latest Cymbidium Orchid Articles
Cymbidium Orchid Virus – Testing for ORSV & CymMV
Best Practice Testing…. I recently visited two local backyard growers to purchase Cymbidium orchid plants, and my experience turned into a valuable case study on virus testin
Seedling and Mericlone – What is the Difference?
A couple of terms you will come across in your Cymbidium orchid travels are Seedling and Mericlone. And there is an important difference between them. The seedling and mericlone ha
Day in the Life – Wain’s Orchids
Every now and then Orchid Wise has the opportunity to spend a day with a commercial Cymbidium orchid grower to experience life from their perspective. What does it take to be a com
From the Orchid Wise Shade House…..Cymbidium Bulb Rot
Every now and then we talk a walk through the Orchid Wise Shade House to see what has been flowering or what else of interest might be happening. The Orchid Wise shade house is ove
From the Orchid Wise Shade House…..New Breeding
Every now and then we talk a walk through the Orchid Wise Shade House to see what has been flowering or what else of interest might be happening. The Orchid Wise shade house is ove
6 Cascading Cymbidium Orchid Hybrids to Get Your Collection Started!
If a cascading Cymbidium orchid with flower spikes dangling from hanging baskets are your preference, there are some very impressive plants out there, so try these 6 great cascadin
Preparing your Plant for Judging – Winning Advice!
You won’t impress the judges on a Cymbidium Orchid judging panel, or anyone else for that matter, unless you present an attractive plant. No matter how good the flowers are.
Historically Important Plants – Cymbidium tracyanum
Article and images courtesy of Randall Robinson.Originally published in 2010 here in Randall’s blog and adapted for this site. I just love Autumn in my shadehouse. The cool d
6 Red Cymbidium Orchid Hybrids to Get Your Collection Started!
If bold red’s are your preference, there are some very showy flowers out there, but try these 6 good quality and very bold red Cymbidium Hybrids to get your collection off to
Historically Important Plants – Cymbidium mastersii
This is another in a series of articles relating to historically important plants in the Cymbidium world. Long on my list of Cymbidium species ‘unicorn plants’, Cymbidi
6 Orange Cymbidium Orchid Hybrids to Get Your Collection Started!
If orange is your weakness, there are some very showy flowers out there, but try these 6 good quality and very eye-catching orange Cymbidium Hybrids to get your collection off to a
Staking Cymbidium Orchid Flower Spikes
Do I, or Don’t I? I’m often asked if I stake my Cymbidium Orchid flower spikes….. I guess the short answer is no, it’s not absolutely necessary, I have a lo
Shade Houses…….Should I Buy or DIY?
Well, I guess it all depends on how many plants you have, how many plants you want and how serious you are as to whether you need a shade house. It depends on your goals! Most star
6 Yellow Cymbidium Orchid Hybrids to Get Your Collection Started!
If yellow is your thing, there are some nice bright ones out there, but try these 6 good quality and very yellow Cymbidium Hybrids to get your collection off to a good start… All
How to Strike Cymbidium Back-Bulbs
It’s a question I get asked all the time – How to Strike Cymbidium Back-Bulbs? But firstly, what is a back-bulb? Cymbidium Back-Bulbs are the seemingly dormant, brown,
Do I Cut my Cymbidium Orchid Flower Spike or Not?
It’s a question I’m always asked…….should I cut my Cymbidium orchid flower spike off or not? So, what’s the answer? Well, there is actually no right o
6 White Cymbidium Orchid Hybrids to Get Your Collection Started!
If you like whites, there are some lovely ones out there, but try these 6 good quality and very clean white Cymbidium Hybrids to get your collection off to a good start… All of t
Species Cymbidium – Cym. insigne
Article and images courtesy of Randall Robinson Originally published in 2008 here in Randall’s blog and adapted for this site. In a recent posting on an international f
Hobby growers – what are they looking for?
Written by Geoff Bailey Reproduced with permission from ‘Cymbidium Chatter’ Edition 18 – August 17 2020 What is it that hobbyists look for in today’s Cymbidiums
6 Pink Cymbidium Orchid Hybrids to Get Your Collection Started!
If you like pink, then you are spoilt for choice, but try these 6 good quality and very attractive pink Cymbidium Hybrids to get your collection off to a good start… All of t
I've been growing Cymbidium orchids for over 30 years.
I learnt much from my grandmother who was a keen grower as well. So it’s no surprise really that I fell into growing Cymbidium orchids after following family members around when I was little. I love the peacefulness that it provides me after a busy day at work as well as the joy I get from growing new Cymbidium orchids I have created through cross pollinating.
This website is a collaboration from Cymbidium orchid enthusiasts and commercial growers. It is made up from many years of experience of a large number of people who have provided thoughts, tips, opinions and lessons learned.
Your Input is important!
Please get in touch with us to provide your thoughts, opinions and with any content you would like to offer. Your input will make this site the best it can be.
I look forward to hearing from you about your successes with orchids. Join our email list to receive the Orchid Wise Society newsletter at the link below. Until then, happy orchid growing!
Cymbidium Orchids
Cross Pollinations
Orchids Resting in heaven
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